Nowhere can I get so close to humpback whales like here in Northern Newfundland.
In the winter, firewood has to be cut and brought in. Most houses have a wood furnace. I love the pleasant heat of burning wood.
Fishing is paramount for the coastal villages, called “outports”. Sometimes I go out to sea with my favourite fisherman. It is an experience comparable to none to be in a tiny boat on the mighty North Atlantic.
No apples or other fruit (apart from rhubarb) grow in Northern Newfoundland. But there are all kinds of berries. In the summer, people swarm out into the tundra for berry picking. Here I have gathered the delicious bakeapple berries.
This was the result of my ice fishing adventure.
Gigantic iceberg and tiny me. No better place for iceberg watching than Northern Newfoundland.
Encounter with porbeagle shark… (I like them better alive).
… and with a baby seal.
What I love most: hiking in the tundra…
… preferably with a dog.